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Start with Love:

A 30-Day Series

30 Days of Start with Love: Day 1


Simple tricks to come back to love.

Start with Love: Day 3

Start with Love: Day 5


Working with neurolyphatic and acupressure points.

Start with Love: Day 7

Deciding which areas of life we can expand/grow more deeply into...and setting intentions around those!

Precision + Feeling Tone = Impact!!!

Start with Love: Day 9


Something to practice saying to yourself every day, in the mirror

Start with Love: Day 11


Throat chakra a problem zone?! Let’s stretch out the come back to LOVE!

Start with Love: Day 13

Truly, EVERYTHING is actually love...but for today, love is treating yourself to a delicious bath! Hear how I make mine a truly divine, therapeutic experience!

Start with Love: Day 15

Today's practice is a follow up to witnessing the 'limited beliefs' that present.  Look in the mirror, or just say out loud, "I believe in you!"

Start with Love: Day 2

Simple tools I turn to when my mind wants to trap me in non-serving mentations.

Start with Love: Day 4

Cross overs 👌

Oh man! I love getting to share these tools. This was SUPER FUN info to discuss tonight! 

Start with Love: Day 6

A share of one of the affirmations/declarations I use to pull myself out of victim mindset when I’m in my pain body.

Start with Love: Day 8

This one is sooooo basic! Come back to love, by getting lost in one of your favourite hobbies.

It’s like a secret key to literally unlocking magic in your life!

Remember, the Universe wants your life to be full of fun!

Start with Love: Day 10


Working with the Triple Warmer Meridian

Start with Love: Day 12


Some energy points to boost your longevity and endurance!

Start with Love: Day 14

A simple mindfulness strategy to center back with love when your mind starts to spiral off! Where are you limited beliefs slipping in?!?!

Start with Love: Day 16

Today, share a compliment.  Expressing love (in any form; appreciation, compassion, gratitude) has been viewed as 'not appropriate'.  Let someone know how they have impacted you, either today or in the past!  Let's start of trend of expressing Love so that it FEELS more normal!

Start with Love: Day 17

Today we talk about the quick and simple tool of setting (speaking or writing, or both!) AFFIRMATION!

Catch the how & why! 

Start with Love: Day 19

Another physical tool to help with possible energetic breaks in the body.

Start with Love: Day 18

Taking our affirmations and intentions a little deeper!

Start with Love: Day 20


Get back to nature! It’s Mother Nature expressing Love the way she wants you to express Love 🍃

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