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The intention behind this session is to create safe space where we can come together as persons identifying as women, to support body positivity and feminine based education.

 This is about coming home to safety & security in your body.


Most of the women in their 20's through 70's that I work with,

have no idea what their labia look like.


Our vulva is left to be unseen and unspoken of.  


This is heartbreaking, and needs to change!


This is the Queen of our Temple, and it's time we celebrate and see her as so.


When we know our vulva we choose to know ourselves even more deeply.


This evening we explore the 9 VULVA PROFILES


What the Vulva Profiles can tell you about yourself are:

*how you give and receive pleasure

*how you attract your partners

*how you initiate sex

*how long it takes to reach orgasm

*how wet you become

*how much you ejaculate

*what you taste like

*what sex positions are most ideal for your vulva type

*why you like certain stimulation over others


As women, we are the source of so much power and creation.  When we come together in circle, we open a portal to heal and grow together.


It's time to celebrate all that you are, to see the beauty in all that you are.


I cannot wait to spend this evening with you!


Get your girlfriends together and make this an unforgettable evening Queen!


The Itinerary:

*Opening Circle

*Cacao Ceremony: Heart Opening Exercise

*Community Conversation around the Vulva

*Discover Your Vulva Profile

*Watercolour Vulva Art to celebrate her beauty in the physical

*Closing Circle





Meg specializes in working with women from around the globe, who are called to reconnect with the work of the Divine Feminine.  She supports women to activate their Inner Queen, through the exploration and embodiment of Pleasure Codes.  Meg's work is bringing feminine focused sex education to communities of women, which reignites their power, creativity and worthiness.


Meg is a certified Holistic Life & Business Coach through the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy.  In her work, women are guided through the teachings of sacred sexuality as a means to access their astral wisdom and divine guidance through spirit.  You are a channel of the Goddess.


In the past two years, she has worked with hundreds of women, in person and online from New Zealand, Australia, the UK, the US and Canada.  She has witnessed this wave of empowered women stepping into such powerful, creative expressions of their TRUTH.

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