The Goddess of Harmony & Concord
Harmonia brings through the roots of her Mother, Aphrodite, anchoring Beauty, Love & Pleasure.
She disperses the energy of harmony; she soothes strife and discord and imbues harmonious action!
More metaphysically she holds the Universal nature of Cosmic Balance.
You are living your purpose in every moment, no matter what you are doing.
Our darkness invites the Light to surface. And our Light illuminates the Darkness that’s hiding.
The cosmic balance. You are whole. Just as you are. You are the perfect Human.
Harmonia activates balance, and elevates your absolute Beauty. Let her energy soothe you as you settle into Absolute Self Love.
She awaits her perfect energetic match
Stones: rose quartz, black agate, raw cut obsidian, hematite, gold titanium quartz
(Tried to highlight the pink with the white background! So delicate!)