As a Sex Educator, my mission is to hold safe & supportive space for women to reconnect with their bodies, and in doing so, reconnect with their beauty, power and pleasure.
Sex has been a taboo, or unspoken subject in our culture for far too long.
By holding safe and compassionate space for the subject, we can begin to establish a deeper way of living, a deeper way of being, both in your own body, but also with those in relationship to you.
By moving from discomfort to comfort, making the unmentionable mentionable we establish intimacy in our lives.
Intimacy feels like a profound ingredient in a happy, healthy, joyful life that our culture has not been cultivating.
You can make the choice to change that here.
In this session, the space is set to connect with sacred experience of sitting in community, of sisterhood (something that has often been mired in toxic traits like competition and comparison).
We also explore sexuality at a new depth, beyond the more superficial experience we have had where
it's exciting, pleasurable and fun
But that it's also natural, beautiful, expressive, intimate and ultimately for our health.
The pleasure gets to be the cherry on top.
Friday, October 21st/7:00-9:00PM
Itinerary for the evening:
*Opening circle
*Sacred Ceremony: Cacao Ceremony
*We will explore the different female erogenous zones
*How orgasms are for your health first
*We will explore the many different sex/wellness toys there are, how to find the right one for you based on your erotic profile and desires
*Community conversation about conditioning and beliefs around 'sex toys'
*How sex toys can expand your relationship to self and with your partner
*And receive a wellness tool to take home and add to your playkit
*Closing Circle
Meg specializes in working with women from around the globe, who are called to reconnect with the work of the Divine Feminine. She supports women to activate their Inner Queen, through the exploration and embodiment of Pleasure Codes. Meg's work is bringing feminine focused sex education to communities of women, which reignites their power, creativity and worthiness.
Meg is a certified Holistic Life & Business Coach through the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy. In her work, women are guided through the teachings of sacred sexuality as a means to access their astral wisdom and divine guidance through spirit. You are a channel of the Goddess.
In the past two years, she has worked with hundreds of women, in person and online from New Zealand, Australia, the UK, the US and Canada. She has witnessed this wave of empowered women stepping into such powerful, creative expressions of their TRUTH.
“The connection with a group of women is powerful. It changes you. It opens you up just a little more. It opens you up to see yourself in others. Seeing your soul in others. It reminds us we are all human. We are all the same, but each, unique. For a lot of my life I resisted this. Always struggled to get along with certain women, from my own insecurities. Acknowledging the pattern has helped me open up when I thought I couldn’t. When someone sees your whole soul, and you see theirs, it’s an electric energy. It’s magnetic, and it’s an energy exchange. An energy amplified. It’s human connection, and the power of the Feminine.”
Client response to a Belleville event ♥️
I was drawn to Meg's event because I was feeling isolated and hadn't been pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I was sitting in the feeling of having to start over in my life. I gained awareness of how important the power of group is if you're willing to be open and trust. It was beautiful to feel connections with others and be more aware of how each individual is going through something. It's powerful to know that we all can support one another as women.
Client, Kingston
Joining Meg's event was very invigorating, rejuvenating and was filled with the deepest compassion for self and others. It was a heart centered way of healing and connection. Thank you for opening this space for others ♡
Client, Trenton